How does a Quality Assurance System work?
and demonstrates what is needed to meet the needs and expectations of
your Customer, Organization, Suppliers, and Business Partners.
the implementation of quality processes which improves the total operation
including sales, administration, production, and profitability.
and measures processes and products against policies, objectives, and
requirements, and reports the results.
that actions are taken to improve performance.
Standards and Certification
most effective quality based and customer focused standards have been
developed by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO.
There are over 200,000 certified companies worldwide using ISO-based
quality management systems. www.ISO.Org
9000:2000 series provides requirements for quality management systems
that can be used by organizations for process improvement, for certification,
or for contractual purposes. It focuses on meeting the Customer's needs
and requirements.
has developed a Quality Assurance System for collision repairers based
on ISO 9001:2000 Standards. This newest standard was just released in
December, 2000. This is a dramatic shift that replaces the old standards
which were primarily designed around documenting procedures. The new
standards focus on managing effective business processes.
advantages over the earlier quality standards are: user friendly to
small businesses; emphasis on customer satisfaction; emphasis on the
role and participation of top management; simplified document control;
emphasis on process control and auditing.
requires independent third party auditing that verifies compliance by
examination and evaluation of objective evidence. This validates that
applicable elements of the quality system are appropriate and effective,
and have been developed, documented, and implemented in accordance with
specified requirements.